
Survival project online
Survival project online

It also opens the door to serious economic development for the people of the region. This project is not just about preserving cultural heritage and moving it to tomorrow. Within the scope of this project, 300 houses, 3 mosques, 1 Complex, 2 caravanserais, 15 fountains, 1 Han were restored and built in accordance with the original on 30 streets where traditional Odunpazari houses are located, and thus contributed to the appearance of all the splendor of Odunpazari houses. Odunpazarı Municipality's project to keep Odunpazarı houses alive is an important initiative in terms of introducing this historical and cultural heritage to the world. Antique shop located on Beyler Street, the wooden toy shop located on Kursunlu Mosque Street, offers visitors who flock to the area the opportunity to surprise their loved ones with small but very special commemorative objects from Odunpazarı. Odunpazarı, which we know as a paradise of traditional crafts, is an important destination for antique and wood carving enthusiasts. In addition, the historical Atlıhan, Eskisehir Arts Bazaars and the Lületaşı Museum, located only in Odunpazarı in the world, are among the places to visit. In addition to houses in the area, Kurşunlu Mosque and complex are unique to the period. Today, many houses are decorated and enriched with items to show the life of that period. These cabinets, which are used as a load on time, are also indicative of woodworking.

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It is possible to find large cabinets inside the houses.

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#Survival project online windows

Bay windows are often called Basoda and are located in the widest room of the house, which is separated from other rooms by its craftsmanship and decorations. In front of the bay windows that extend to the streets as if trying to embrace, there are cedars so that those who live here can watch the street. One of the original examples of civil Turkish architecture, the houses with bay windows made of mudbricks filled between the roofs, smile on our faces despite their aging. Houses designed in accordance with both the living space and the economic activity of the family usually have a kitchen, barn, laundry or warehouse on the lower floor, while the family lives on the upper floors. The houses contain important features of the urban architecture of the Ottoman period. Some houses add different colors to this picture with their indigo blue and tile red looks. Some of the houses lined the narrow streets appear to have sprung from an oil painting with brown frames between their white walls. Odunpazarı and its unique houses, which admire those who see it with all its mystery and splendor, invite you to a visual and cultural feast.

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Odunpazarı, whose name is mentioned with great praise in Evliya Çelebi's Seyahatnâme, continues to protect 4 of the streets mentioned in the book today with the same name.

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Odunpazarı, the first settlement of Eskisehir, is one of these pearl grains. here is such a special place Odunpazarı.ĭuring the Ottoman Empire, our cities were pearls. Sometimes it happens that a person who wants to escape the stress and boredom of the city and go to a faraway place, when we are stuck between these huge buildings that look like they will collapse on it, we dream, we want to rest by refreshing our childhood memories, we are looking for a special place that can appeal to many moods. Odunpazarı, the historical district of Eskisehir, is waiting for you with its mystery, splendor and warm people.

Survival project online